Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Our lives are filled with so much business. We get e-mails, answer e-mails, send text messages, answer text messages. We are on the go. We grab our coffee to go. We grab our meals to go. We are always on the go. It is hard to rest when we are always on the go. It is hard to rest when we are always thinking of what we need to do next. It is hard to rest when we replay our past over and over in our minds. It is hard to rest when thing what could of been instead of what it is. It is hard to rest when the waves of life come crashing down on us. It is hard to rest when there is always something to be done. The Bible teaches us over and over to slow down. What is the hurry? What is the rush? Must we answer that e-mail right now? Must we return that call right now? Must we get our food to go? What God has been teaching me is that when I slow down, I hear from Him. I have been learning to rest. Resting means waiting on God to tell us what to do next. If we were bought with a price (Jesus Christ) then, is it our life or is it His life? We have been called to be used by God for God. We cannot be used when we are always in a hurry. Jesus stopped all the time. Jesus stopped to love on little children. He stopped when He felt his power being released to a woman who had faith. He stopped when men dropped down a paralytic through the roof and healed him. He stopped to teach the disciples. Jesus was on mission. When we are on mission we are not in a hurry. We can rest and know that what is next will be revealed to us. God has called us to rest. We were not designed to labor in vain. He wants to use our labor for His glory. He wants us to stop and love on people. We are His hands and feet. We are his messengers. We must stop and rest. We have short life here on earth. Let us rest in the arms of Christ. We might have to order our food to go. Yet, while we are waiting we can serve Him. While we are waiting for God to make the next move, we can rest. Resting does not mean not working. Resting means letting God do the working through us. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. There are no worries if we know that Jesus is in the boat with us. There is no fear when we know the creator of the universe can calm the raging seas. Let us rest. Let us rest.

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